I'm going back in time to my earliest 20st and from there...
My journey of learning German langauge was really rough to the point where I felt a lot of pain and misery up to the point where I just wanted to quit practicing the langauge and pretty much wanted to quit studying in Germany. There were a lot of downsides that I have experienced during my journey of learning German language, which you can check out in couple of my practices here:

So, let's just say if I were to start learning German from Level 0, certainly I'll not opt to learn the traditional way, and certainly I wouldnt be paying hundreds of dollars every month. So how I would have started it?:
Langauge Apps
If you type and search 'learn german', I swear to god, you can just keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling... you'll never run out of langauge apps for you to try out, whether to learn many languages, or just to focus specifically on one langauge only. And there are many free langauge apps that you can try out right out of the gate, I mean not just Duolingo😄, and with many variations you can always find couple of them that you can keep using long enough you ended speaking quiet good😀
That being said, always try to use at least 2 language apps consistently, with one app focusing on teaching practical German grammers plus phrases, and the other for building your vocabularies. My taste for this 2 for now would be Duolingo and Drops, but it's up to your own preference as to what app fits your style a lot.
Same thing here again, just search 'learn German' and they you have it. So many youtube videos to watch, and definetely so many youtube Channels that you can subscribe to. And on top of that, Youtube Shorts! Just keep scrolling and keep learning and learning with much laziness😴.
Thus far, the Youtube Channel ''Easy German'' tops the charts for being one of the best channel to learn german, esp. in the more practical manner. The contents are always intriguing and very application-based in a way that you may end learning cultures of german speaking countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland.
And of course there are so many Youtube langauge tutors out there for you to check out, and later stick to just 2 or 3 tutors, with whom you can clearly follow through and understand as quickly as possible 😎
Couple of German Language Youtube Tutors worth checking out: YourGermanTeacher, Learn German with Anja, Benjamin der Deutschlehrer
Social Media
TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, X.... I mean the list can go on and on with many apps, but how is it related between learning German and social medias? Search again 'learn German' and a whole lists of posts and reels will end up showing up, with great many tips to learn the german language or even showing couple of easy phrases and words you can use later with your German conversation practices.
And when you follow as many pages, influencers and profiles as possible in those apps, you might end up having more contents about the German langauge which you can scroll through and learn, wie einfach ist das??
Online Language Practice Sites
So aside from using language apps, social media apps and YouTube to learn as much as possible on your own, you'll obviously need to put everything into practice as soon as possible. And guess what there are apps for it as well😄😄😄
And I'm not talking about Tinder or Bumble😆😆
I'm talking about langauge conversation apps that focuses a lot on practicing to speak German with others, whether via online or even meeting people face-to-face to practice German. And no, you don't need to be fluent to practice someone, you can just go ahead with beginner's level or someone who has zero knowledge but wanted to learn couple of phrases and words. And there are people who are more than happy to facilitate you with the conversation, so don't feel nervous or agitated to not try.
The online apps where you can have video-calls and practice German: iTalki, Preply
As for apps where you can meet up and interact in German: interNations, Meet-Up
Lastly this part would be optional to practice upon, but learning German via podcasts is more of subconscious learning.
While we may feel like we are in control of our body and mind, which is the conscious of our brain that helps to sort and filter various things that we experience in our life, almost 90 to 95% of our mind works subconciously, which means it works without your control. Altough you may decide to learn what you 'want' to learn, there are things outside of your 'want' it that you don't get to choose, but rather comes to on your own😐😞
That being said, listening to podcast while not paying to attention to it is the best way to grasp not just part of the langauges like grammer and phrases, but rather the whole system of the langauge. Your brain will start to grasp and process the German language in a way that fits with your thinking style.
How cool is that? Still finding hard to believe?
Well, check out this video that explains it very well on the topic:
Tho to be fair, these things would not have been possible for me back when I was a teen, but as for anyone who's starting to learn German as efficiently and as quickly as possible, there is absolutely zero excuse to be not able to practice German language.
So, in conclusion, just search 'learn German' or even better, 'learn German effectively' and you open many doors to learning, developing and eventually mastering German langauge.